Protecting "my" catnip mousie...coz it's necessary.Thank you
Kashim and Othello for your wonderful "thank you for participating in our contest" gift....really, I just want to thank you for organizing such a lovely contest for a gurreat cause!
If you want to see more Meezer Monday, check out
Simply Siamese.
Happy Meezer Monday, kitties!
Do yoo hafta gard it from Donny and Marie? I hafta gard my little baby seal from Sadie and Speedy! Haffing a little brofur and sisfur kinda sucks sometimes.
Happy Meezer Monday Casey!
Kashim and Othello are great friends. :) Nice job protecting your catnip mousie! You even have the Goa'uld glowing eyes happening!
Happy Meezer Monday! You're looking furry meezerly!
It was a very fun contest that Kashim and Othello had. They are nice.
AH you are such a mancat!
Happy Meezer Monday!!
Very nice picture of you Casey!! We wouldn't want to try to take it away from you! Not with those laser eyes. have a great day.
Your FL furiends,
Ooh, excellent guarding postition!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Cool laser-eyes!!!!!
That is very sweet of you, ya know!
Happy Meezer Monday~! You look beautiful and shining~!
oh and I've tagged you for Midle Name MeMe xxx
No one would dare get too close to you while you are doing guard duty!
Oooh, look at those eyes!
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