Tara and
Skeeter and LC tagged me for a meme...thanks!
And here it is:
What were you doing 10 years ago?Hm...I wasn't even born back in the day.
What were you doing 1 year ago?I was spending lots and lots of time with mommy, coz she was still recovering from her transplant at the time.
Five snacks you enjoy:Temptations
Kitty Kaviar
Raw chicken
Salmon pieces
Five songs to which you know the lyrics:Hm...I don't really know any lyrics to any songs. There is this one mournful tune I always sing every night, usually accompanied with a sock in my mouth...does that count???
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:Save other abused cats - esp meezers - as long as they don't live with me.
Make mommy and daddy stay home and be my full-time slaves. For real.
Get a force field so that I can hang out where I want without being bugged.
Buy only chicken-flavoured Science Diet dry food. I like it very much, but can't get it anymore! Mommy won't buy it for me!!!!
Donate to *all* my furriends' auctions and causes and help them with the vet bills and stuff.
Five bad habits:I don't believe I have *any* bad habits...but since you ask, here's what mommy and daddy said as being my bad habits....
Dragging dirty socks around the house.
Sticking my stinky butt in mommy and daddy's faces.
Scratch the back of the armchair.
Shed fur. LOTS of it.
Demand attention and laps at the most (in)opportune times....
Five things you like doing:Going outside.
Demanding attention.
Eating Science Diet dry food.
Rubbing my back on concrete.
Eating grass.
Five things you would never wear again:I don't wear anything. It freaks me out and mommy just never dresses me up.
Five favourite toys:Peacock feather
Feather on a string
Golf balls
Catnip Pillow
Mr. Bunny Rabbit
Five kitties to tag:
Jeter HarrisSkeezixYao-LinJuniorKaze